Last Updated On May 2021

How do you gain new customers without spending too much

To ensure business growth and continuity, you need to generate new customers and, at the same time, retain existing ones. As easy as it may sound, many business owners find it difficult to do even one of these things mainly because 1.) the competition has gotten tougher and tougher with the emergence of local and international players and 2.) the current business model is not designed to compete on a global scale in the first place.

If this is you, here are 2 ways on how to grow your customer base by maximizing your existing resources and making the most out of the free tools available for you.

Be present online

There are several platforms available out there that can help you reach more potential customers. Here are some of the available channels that you may want to consider:

Social media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are some of the top social media platforms that you can choose to maximize. It’s nice to be on all of these platforms but remember to check where your target audience are to save you the time in managing all of your social media accounts.


If you don’t know it yet, basic information such as contact details (telephone and mobile number, email address), location, opening and closing hours are very helpful to your target market. Keep your website information up-to-date and post informative blogs to increase awareness of what you do and to make your business easily searchable online.

Search engines

Like you, whenever your target audience thinks of a restaurant, a salon or a hardware store, they immediately go to their favorite search engine to look for the ones available. To take advantage of this opportunity, make sure your business is present online so people can easily find your business.

Online directories

Yes, there’s Google and other search engines but being in on online directories like is still important.

Engage with your existing customers to generate referrals

Keeping your existing customers engage helps develop (and nurture) a well-established working relationship. Once this is in place, your existing customers can help you generate new ones through word-of-mouth and referrals. Here are some activities that can generate engagement:


Informative and educational blogs are means to keep your customers engaged. Aside from posting these types of content on your website, you can also share this via email or social media. The more interesting the content is, the more engaged your customers are. 

Surveys and Feedback forms

Surveys and feedback forms are some of the most time-tested and effective ways to get helpful insights about your product or service. If a customer is happy, they’ll gladly commend you for that, on the other hand, if they are not satisfied with what they received, they would want to share that with you as well. After all, we all want our opinions to be heard.

Customer service

A customer service team is essential to all businesses. Having one at your fingertips can help you in so many ways: Manage all incoming inquiries/follow ups and serve as the first line of defense against complaints. Keep in mind that a customer who contacts customer support about their first order is just as important as a customer who contacts customer service about their tenth order 

Taking advantage of technology

Managing relationships with customers can sometimes be a challenge. With the help of customer relationship management apps like Zoho or Salesforce, you can easily create trigger-based functionalities to boost your efficiency. 

Once you have these in place, you are a step closer in getting to the next level. By then, you’ll need a partner to help you with your business financing - that’s where we at Esquire Financing Inc. come in.

If the need for additional working capital arises, apply for Esquire Financing Inc.’s non-collateral business loan wherever you are in the Philippines. EFI’s non-collateral loan can help you boost sales by adding additional working capital to your business. Visit to get started with your online business loan application.