Last Updated On January 2021

New plan of action for 2021

COVID-19 has disrupted businesses in more ways than one. Business owners learned new ways on how to navigate through the “new normal” because of the changes in how customers shop. Here are some items that you may want to add to your 2021 plan of action:

List down the changes in your customer’s habits and prepare for necessary adjustments that you have to do to cope up

Due to the restrictions imposed by the government, customers’ behavior and purchasing habits have changed as they tend to do almost all transactions online: shopping, payments, meetings to name a few. The pandemic also made customers pay more attention to a business’ values and its purpose in terms of helping the community.

As a business, knowing about the new customer behavior is essential to create a new plan of action this 2021. With a plan of action, you’ll be able to come up with a financial plan, a marketing strategy, or a sales pitch that can guide you as you navigate through the changes.

Share updates with your customers using your website and social media accounts

Sharing updates with your customers is essential. Small things like posting announcements on your social media accounts or sharing updates about a new industry partner may help boost the trust and confidence that your customers have in you. Plus, it may also generate new business as you reach more customers via shares and likes.

If you don’t have a website or social media accounts set up yet, you may want to start today. It may sound tedious but it will surely help generate engagement and develop long-term relationships with your customers.

Leverage on the trust that your customers have in you

There are several ways on how to leverage customer trust: See how satisfied are they with your product or service by getting testimonials, offer new products or services, generate referrals by giving out incentives, or give rewards every time they avail of your product or service.

Let’s grow together this 2021

At Esquire Financing, we empower business owners or SMEs in the Philippines to take their business to the next level using our non-collateral business loan and expert advice.

With an easy application process and a 7-day turn-around time, you’ll surely be able to take advantage of the opportunities that the market offers. Start your application now by going to now!